2024 “A Century of Global Economic Crises: Monetary Policy in Search of An Anchor”, forthcoming, Palgrave Macmillan, Summer 2024.

2024 “Crescimento e Convergência em Portugal: Experiência Histórica e Políticas a Nível Nacional e Metropolitano”, Position Paper n. 5/24, SEDES, Lisbon, Portugal.

2024 “Ensaio: Crescimento e Convergência em Portugal: Experiência Histórica e Políticas a Nível Nacional e Metropolitano”, O Observador, Lisbon, Portugal.

2024 “Unhappy anniversary: Missed opportunities for growth and convergence in Portugal”, VoxEU, CEPR, London, 11 March 2024.

2024 “A Noite dos Mortos-Vivos: o retorno de políticas industriais”, in Conjuntura Econômica, 78(3):22-27, FGV/IBRE.

2023 “Unresolved Business: Enlarging the EU towards Moldova and Ukraine (and perhaps Georgia)”, VoxEU, CEPR, London, 5 Feb 2024.

2021 “O que pode a UE oferecer ao Brasil?”, CEBRI-Revista, Spring 2023.

2021 “ “Energy Transition, Resources and Climate Change Investment Policy”, in Handbook on the Sustainable Politics and Economics of Natural Resources, Tsani, S and Øverland, I. (eds.)”, Edward Elgar, UK.

2021 “ “Models of Banking Sectors Integration”, in Does EU membership facilitate convergence? The experience of the EU's eastern enlargement, Landesmann, M. and Székely, I., (eds.)”, Palgrave Macmillan.

2019 “EU Industrial Policy after Siemens-Alstom: Finding a New Balance between Openness and Protection”, European Commission.

2018 “The State of Investment in Europe and the World”, European Commission.

2018 “Where EU Governments Spend: A Comparative Overview of Public Expenditure in EU Member States”, European Commission.

2018 ““Reviving convergence: making EU member states fit for joining the euro area”, in Structural Reforms for Growth and Cohesion: Lessons and Challenges for CESEE Countries and a Modern Europe, Nowotny, E., Ritzberger-Grünwald, D. and Schuberth, H. (eds.), pp. 214–224”, Edward Elgar, UK.

2018 “Spending where it matters: A multiannual financial framework that matches the EU’s ambitions and priorities”, European Commission.

2017 “A pan-European pension product: Filling the pensions gap and refinancing the economy”, European Commission.

2017 “Greenfield Investment Monitor #2: The EU and the US, Stable Partners for Greenfield FDI Growth”, European Commission.

2017 “EU-Japan: Advanced Economies Shaping the Next Stage of Inclusive Globalization”, European Commission.

2017 “Greenfield Investment Monitor #1. In Focus: China’s Expansion in the EU”, European Commission.

2016 “The European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI): Maximizing its Potential”, European Commission.

2016 “Towards a Positive Euro Area Fiscal Stance”, European Commission.

2016 “Engaging China at a Time of Transition: Capitalizing on a New Era of Chinese Global Investment and Foreign Policy Initiatives”, European Commission.

2015 “Regaining Citizens’ Trust, Safeguarding Banks’ Stability: Towards a European Deposit Insurance Scheme”, European Commission.

2015 “Strengthening the EU’s Financial System: Bridge Financing Options for the Single Resolution Fund”, European Commission.

2015 “Severing the ‘Doom Loop’: Further Risk Reduction in the Banking Union”, European Commission.

2015 “The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: A New Multilateral Financial Institution or a Vehicle for China’s Geostrategic Goals?”, European Commission.

2014 “Global Oil Price Volatility: Oil-Exporting Sovereigns with Limited Policy Tools Are Most Exposed”, Moody’s.

2014 “2015 Outlook: Global Sovereigns”, Moody’s.

2014 “Monetary Policy Tightening in the US and its Consequences”, Moody’s.

2014 “Population Aging Will Dampen Economic Growth over the Next Two Decades”, Moody’s.

2014 “Financial Markets (Re) Segmentation in the Euro Area”, author and guest editor, Comparative Economic Studies, Volume 56, Issue 3, September 2014, Palgrave.

2014 “Brazil & Mexico: Gaps in Infrastructure Investment Uneven across Sectors”, Moody’s.

2014 “Commodity-Exporting Sovereigns: Fiscal Practices and Exchange-Rate Regime Determine Resilience to Price Shocks”, Moody’s.

2014 “Japan’s Abenomics: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Progress 1.5 Years On”, Moody’s.

2014 “CIS Economies: Growth Slowdown Driven by Structural rather Than Cyclical Factors”, Moody’s.

2014 “Moody’s Sovereign Monitor - Focus on Central and Eastern Europe”, Moody’s.

2014 “Expectation that China Will Be Largest Economy by Year-End Highlights EM’s Rising Economic Importance”, Moody’s.

2014 “Sovereign Outlook 2014: Commonwealth of Independent States”, Moody’s.

2014 “Russia & the EU: EU Economies Would Be Resilient to a Russian Recession”, Moody’s.

2014 “Structural and Cyclical Components in Emerging Markets’ Growth Slowdown”, Moody’s.

2014 “The GCC in 2020: Oil price scenario of $90pb would be negative for some GCC economies, neutral for others”, Moody’s.

2014 “QE Tapering: Impact Differs Amongst Emerging Markets”, Moody’s.

2013 “US Monetary Policy and the Road to Normalization”, Moody’s.

2013 “Frequently asked questions about US Fed Tapering”, Moody’s.

2013 “Sub-Saharan Africa: Steeply Rising House Prices Have Limited Sovereign Credit Impact”, Moody’s.

2013 “2014 Outlook - Global Sovereigns”, Moody’s.

2013 “Impact of QE Tapering and Update on Ongoing Euro Area Stabilization - a Recap”, Moody’s.


2013 “US Fed Tapering: Effects Likely to be Relatively Limited and Temporary”, Moody’s, New York, USA.

2013 “Limited GDP benefits of Basel III expected for developing economies”, Moody’s, New York, USA.

2013 “Private leverage trends in developed and developing economies”, Moody’s, New York, USA.

2013 Update on Structural Reforms in the Euro Area Periphery”, Moody’s, New York, USA.

2013 “China: a BRICS Apart”, International Affairs, May 2013, pp. 77-86.

2013 Sub-Saharan Africa: Commodity Price Vulnerability Balanced by Favorable Economic Outlook and Gradual Structural Transformation”, Moody’s, New York, USA.

2013 “Back into the fold? Renewed Baltic-Russian Economic Relations”, in 2013 Baltic Development Fund “State of the Region Report”, pp 16-17, Riga, Latvia.

2013 “Euro Area Is Russia’s Best Strategic Partner”, Moscow Times, Moscow, Russia.

2013 “Commodity Prices and Growth: A Changing Relationship?”, VoxEU, CEPR, London, UK.

2013 “The Flight of the European Bumblebee”, Project Syndicate, New York, USA.

2012 CEE and CIS Countries Could be affected by Possible Euro Area Economic Shocks, Albeit to Varying Degrees, Moody’s, New York, USA.

2012 “Euro Area Periphery: Structural Reforms Have Significantly Improved External Imbalances, But Full Resolution May Still Take Years”, Moody’s, New York, USA.

2012 “Counter-cyclical Central Banking Policies and their Longer-Term Implications”, Moody’s, New York, USA.

2012 “Sub-Saharan Africa: Despite Risks, Banking Sector Exposures to Euro Area are Mitigated by Structural Factors”, Moody’s, New York, USA.

2012 “China 2030: Building a Modern, Harmonious, and Creative High-Income Society”, World Bank, Washington, D.C., and Development Research Center of the State Council, People’s Republic of China, Beijing.

2011 “Optimum Currency Area Criteria”, in “The Regional Integration Handbook”, de Lombaerde, P., Flores, R., Iapadre, L. and Shulz, M. (eds), Routledge, pp.179-197, United Kingdom.

2011 “Global Economic Prospects Summer 2011 Issue”, World Bank, Washington, D.C.

2011 “An Initial Estimation of the Economic Effects of the Creation of the EurAsEC Customs Union on Its Members”, Economic Premise n° 47, January 2010, World Bank, Washington, D.C.

2011 “Global Economic Prospects 2011”, World Bank, Washington, D.C.

2010 “Spring Economic Forecast 2010-2012”, in European Economy, n° 2 2010, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium.

2010 “Russia and the “Great Recession”, in “Международная Жизнь“ (International Affairs), 2010(2), Moscow, Russia, pp 112-127.

2009 The EU’s Eastern Neighbours and the Crisis, in European Economy Research Letter, 3(2), European Commission, Brussels.

2009 The Impact of the Global Crisis on Neighbouring Countries of the EU, in ECFIN Occasional Papers n° 40, European Commission, Brussels.

2009 Russian Economic Development and the Remaining Reform Priorities”, in New Economic Association Journal n° 1, Moscow, Russia, pp. 207-222.

2009 “Trade Relations between an Enlarged EU and the Russian Federation, and its Effects in Belarus”, in Economic Change and Restructuring, 42(1), pp. 1-24.

2008 “Economic Review of EU Neighbour Countries”, ECFIN Occasional Papers n° 40, European Commission, Brussels.

2008 “Economic Aspects of the Energy Sector in CIS Countries” (editor), ECFIN Economic Papers n° 327, European Commission, Brussels.

2008 Russia: A Different Country, CEPS Paperback Books Series, CEPS, Brussels, May 2008.

2008 EMU@10: Successes and Challenges after Ten Years of Economic and Monetary Union, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium.

2008 “Spring Economic Forecasts 2008–2009”, in European Economy, n° 3 2008, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium.

2008 Foreign Investment in Russia, in Country Focus, Volume V, Issue 1.

2007 “The Effect of Capital Requirement Regulation on the Transmission of Monetary Policy: evidence from Austria”, in Empirica, 34(5), pp. 411-425.

2007 The Effects of Energy Price Shocks on Growth and Macroeconomic Stability in Selected Energy-Importing CIS Countries, in Economic Review of EU Neighbour Countries, Occasional Paper n° 30, June 2007, European Commission, Brussels, pp 2-22.

2007 “European Economy: Annual report on the euro area”, European Economy, n° 4, April 2007, DG ECFIN, European Commission, Brussels.

2006 “Estimating the Existence of the Bank Lending Channel in the Russian Federation”, in Bank and Credit, 9(2006), pp 3-13.

2006 From Transition Crises to Macroeconomic Stability? Lessons from a Crises Early Warning System for Eastern European and CIS Countries, in Comparative Economic Studies, 2006(48), pp. 410-434.

2006 A Wider Europe: Trade Relations between an Enlarged EU and the Russian Federation”, in Problems of Economic Transition, 49(2), pp. 6-33.

2006 Return to Growth in CIS Countries, Vinhas de Souza, L. and Havrylyshy, O. (eds.), Springer, Germany.

2006 “Financial Liberalization and Business Cycles: The Experience of the New EU Member States in The Baltics and Central Eastern Europe”, in Batten, J. and Kearney, C. (eds.) Emerging European Financial Markets, International Finance Review 2006(6), pp. 235-259, Elsevier, Netherlands.

2006 European Neighbourhood Policy: Economic Review of ENP Countries, Occasional Papers n° 25, DG-ECFIN, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, June 2006.

2006 Beyond the euro area: An introduction”, in Research in International Business and Finance, 20(2), pp. 127-130 (also guest editor of this RIBAF issue).

2006 “The Periphery of the Euro: Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy in CIS Countries”, Vinhas de Souza, L. and De Lombaerde, P. (eds), Ashgate, United Kingdom.

2006 From Transition Crises to Macroeconomic Stability? Lessons from a Crises Early Warning System for Eastern European and CIS Countries”, Kiel Working Paper n° 1269, Kiel Institute for World Economics, Germany.

2005 “Monetary Policy Rules for Russia”, Journal of Comparative Economics, 33 (2005), pp. 484-499 (also guest editor of this JCE issue).

2005 “Macro and Monetary Policies in Latin America”, co-editor, Springer Verlag, Germany.

2005 The Effect of Capital Requirement Regulations on the Transmission of Monetary Policy: Evidence from Austria, Working Paper Series n° 99, Austrian Central Bank.

2005 Now So Near, and Yet Still So Far: Relations between Ukraine and the European Union”, Kiel Institute for World Economics Discussion Papers Series n° 419, Germany.

2004 “European Monetary Integration after the 2004 EU Enlargement” , Kiel Institute for World Economics Discussion Papers Series n° 413, Germany.

2004 “Financial Liberalization and Business Cycles: The Experience of the New EU Member States in The Baltics and Central Eastern Europe”, Deutsche Bundesbank, Discussion Papers Series n° 23/04, Frankfurt a.M., Germany.

2003 The Euroarea and the New EU Member States (editor, with van Aarle, B.), Palgrave-Macmillan Press, United Kingdom.

2002 “The Political Business Cycles of EU Accession Countries” , in European Union Politics, 3(2), 2002, pp. 231-250.

2002 “Monetary Institutions and the Politics of the Macro-economy in EU Accession Countries , in Linden, R. (ed.), Norms and Nannies: The Impact of International Organisations on Central and East European States, Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 341-368, USA.

2002 “Integrated Monetary and Exchange Rate Frameworks: Are There Empirical Differences?”, Working Paper Series, n° 2/2002, Bank of Estonia, Tallinn, Estonia.

2001 “Exchange Rate Strategies of New EU Entrants” , in Pentecost, E. and Poeck, A. (eds.), European Monetary Integration: Past, Present and Future, Edward Elgar, UK, pp 185-203.

2001 “Exchange Rates Links and Strategies of New EU Entrants” , in The Journal of European Integration, 23(1), 2001, pp. 1-28.

1999 “EMU and Enlargement: A Review of Policy Issues”, Economic Affairs Series, Working Paper ECON 117 EN, Directorate General for Research, European Parliament, Luxembourg .

1999 “Exchange Rates Links and Strategies of New EU Entrants”, in Bohata, M., & Turnovec, F. (eds.), Transition, European Integration and Institutional Change, CERGE-EI, Prague, Czech Republic.

1997 “An Integrated Macromodel for the Caribbean”, in Cepal Review, n° 63, UN's ECLAC, pp. 77-84.

1997 “FDI by Third World Firms: Brazilian Firms, and an Application to Portugal”, in Fatemi, K (ed.), International Business in the New Millennium, v. I, Texas A & M University, USA, pp. 201-218.

1996 “Smaller Economies and the FTAA”, in Cepal Review, n° 59, UN's ECLAC, pp. 97-110.

1996 “The Portuguese Legal Framework for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), 1943-1994: Econometric Analysis and Causality Tests”, in Dimon, D., Tomlinson, I. & Nichols, S., (eds.) Competitiveness in International Business, v. III, Texas A & M University, USA, pp. 1017-1045.

1996 “Strengthening Development: Interactions Between Macro and Microeconomics”, LC/CAR/G.477, UN’s ECLAC.

1996 “The Contractual Regime for Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal: A Brief Analysis”, in Revista Nova Economia, nº 11, Lisbon, Portugal.

1995 “The Macro-Economic Effects And Reconstruction Requirements Following Hurricane Luis and Marilyn in Sint Maarten, Netherlands Antilles”, LC/MEX/L.290, LC/CAR/L.463, UN’s ECLAC.

1995 “The Macro-Economic Effects And Reconstruction Requirements Following Hurricane Luis In The Island Of Anguilla”, LC/MEX/L.289, LC/CAR/L.462, UN’s ECLAC.

1995 “Factors Affecting the Participation of Smaller Economies in the Free Trade Area of the Americas”, LC/CAR/G.459, UN’s ECLAC.

1995 “Portugal's Legal Framework for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), 1943-1994: Econometric Analysis and Causality Tests” and “Intra-Industry and Inter-Industry Trade and Specialization in Portugal: 1989-1992”, in Proceedings of the Technical Workshop “Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) - East and West: The Experiences of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Portugal and Spain”, CERGE-EI, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.